White Oak and Walnut Stools

I (Ryan Krafka) never met my Great Grandfather, Clarence Henry Snyder, but I have heard many stories about him. It was apparent growing up that he made a great impression on the whole family, especially my father. He was incredibly skilled with his hands and was an especially talented metalworker/mechanic. My father recounted once how Grandpa Snyder made his own riding lawn mower from scratch. Evidently by some means, Grandpa must have passed down his skills and ambition to my father just as my father did to me.   

One thing that Grandpa Snyder left all his children and grandchildren were footstools. He wasn’t the most talented woodworker, that was more his little brother Frank’s department, but these stools and his design have lived on. So in honor of him we made these stools for my Aunt, her kids and grandkids.  

These stools were made of white oak and walnut, hand finished with satin polyurethane and personalized with the intended recipient’s name engraved on top. These stools have a family history that will be treasured for generations to come.