2019 Iowa City Climate Strike

We, here at Krafka Kraft took the afternoon off last Friday to bike downtown and attend the #iowacityclimatestrike. We were so proud to be two in thousands of people who gathered to speak out on behalf of this planet we call home. We cannot thank @gretathunberg enough for helping unite us in this cause. We at Krafka Kraft do our best to keep our small business sustainably and locally sourced as well as low on emissions. This means making sure our wood is sustainably harvested from local Iowa hardwoods. It means only taking what we need and no more. It means only using the energy to make what needs to be made. It means working through the cold in winter and the heat in summer, only using the AC and furnace when absolutely necessary. And it means biking into work whenever possible.
We make sacrifices because we believe the world is worth it. We do what we can, but we can always do better. Change is coming. Let’s be a part of it.